About Us
Over 150 Years of Revenue Cycle and
Patient Access Leadership
Welcome to Abax Health
We are a group of passionate healthcare leaders looking to dramatically improve a part of the revenue cycle that needs improving:
Untapped Revenue and Patient Access.
Yea we know, not what most people spend their time thinking about. But we do... every day... all day... to the point of obsession (almost).
Our Story
Our story starts as all good stories do, from experience. After receiving a referral for a colonoscopy and "forgetting" about it for a year, our founder received a letter in the mail asking if he had gotten the colonoscopy. The reality was that he hadn't. On purpose.
And as a result, he didn't get the care he needed and the health system didn't get the revenue it needed. And, that got him thinking...
How many other millions of patients don't get the care they need and their health systems don't get the revenue they need?
And from that, Abax Health was born.
Our Vision: Ensure That Every Loved One Gets the Care They Need, When They Need It
Our Mission: Identify, Quantify, and Act on Healthcare's Untapped Revenue
In order to achieve our Vision and Mission, we've developed industry leading Artificial Intelligence software that
Identifies untapped revenue, Quantifies the financial impact of that untapped revenue, and Acts on that untapped revenue by using an
automation powered human concierge team to schedule the patient for their care in the easiest manner possible.
That's it. Simple and immediate ROI for the health system and the patient.
Our Team
Welcome to the Abax Health team. Our highly experienced team is thrilled to be solving healthcare's untapped revenue and patient access challenges. Combined, we have over 150 years of healthcare experience!
Please reach out.
We'd love to make healthcare better together!